Best Places in the The BEST Ways Protect Your Computer

We all want to protect our computers from Malware: things like computer viruses, spyware, and ransomware. Advertisements will tell you that having extra antivirus software installed on your computer is the best solution, but a lot of people don't realize that most computers these days already have antivirus protection built in.

Also, is 3rd party antivirus software really all that it is cracked up to be?

In some cases, having this installed in your machine can actually be WORSE than having none at all. In this video, I go over how antivirus software works (and how it doesn’t), how it can be exploited by hackers, and the BEST protections agains malware.


00:00 - Intro

00:16 - Types of Malware

01:27 - What is Anti-malware Software

01:52 - Pros and Cons of AM Software

07:20 - Inbuilt AM Protection: Microsoft

07:40 - Inbuilt AM Protection: Mac OS

09:05 - Operating Systems: Windows

09:21 - Operating Systems: Mac OS

10:24 - Operating Systems: Linux

11:38 - Operating Systems: Chrome OS

12:35 - OS summary

12:55 - Best Protections Against Malware

Antivirus protection is important, but remember that having good computer hygiene is the first step towards protecting yourself! Keep your computer updated, be mindful of links that you click and files you download, and always have your computer backed up.

Brought to you by NBTV members: Outsmart Big Brother™, Lee Rennie, Will Sandoval, and Naomi Brockwell

Beware of scammers, I will never give you a phone number or reach out to you with investment advice. I do not give investment advice.

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