Tanya Evans Tanya Evans

You Need A Privacy Screen

So simple they're often overlooked, but I consider privacy screens essential for protecting our activities from prying eyes. Allowing people to watch our screen isn't a great idea...

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Tanya Evans Tanya Evans

"Why Should I Care?"

People think that if they have 'nothing to hide' then protecting their privacy isn't important. This couldn't be further from the truth.

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Tanya Evans Tanya Evans

Helping the People of Iran

Help fight internet censorship by setting up a Signal proxy server. Also, reinforcements arrive for the SEC vs. Ripple case.

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Tanya Evans Tanya Evans

DOJ Targets Regular Bitcoiners

DOJ doubles down on bitcoiner prosecutions, meanwhile Coinbase steps up to be the hero we need as Treasury sanctions open-source code.

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Tanya Evans Tanya Evans

EFF and Matthew Green Fight Back

While government crackdowns on privacy continue to have a chilling effect on freedom of speech, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has cryptographer Matthew Green's back in protecting code as speech.

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