NBTV Episodes
Snowden recommends THIS operating system: Tails
If you want more privacy on the internet, the operating system you choose plays a crucial role.
We’ve all heard of Windows and Mac, but the “Tails” operating system puts privacy first. Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, and Laura Poitras swear by it.
I told Charles Payne to buy Bitcoin in 2015
The long-awaited ProShares ETF launches with record highs, Bitcoin takes off, and crypto in general explodes.
You might have SPYWARE on your phone!
Does someone have remote access to your phone? Can they access your cameras without you knowing, and see everything you do on the device? How would you know if they could?
What is a GOOD VPN?
VPNs are often considered an essential part of your toolkit if you want to live a modern, privacy-conscious lifestyle... but most computer security experts will tell you that they’re not tools for privacy AT ALL!
Why the SEC's regulations are KILLING crypto, with Charles Payne on Fox Business
Talking Crypto with Charles Payne on "Making Money", Fox Business, from September 30th 2021
Charles Hoskinson: Cardano, Crypto Toxicity & Institutional COLLAPSE
Charles Hoskinson is best known as the creator of Cardano, a top 4 cryptocurrency that has been comfortably in the top 10 for a while now.
What is a VIRTUAL credit card? (2021)
Credit cards are a notoriously insecure means of payment and credit card fraud is one of the most common types of identity theft in the US. We give out our credit card number constantly without even thinking about it, and with it our name and home address.
The BIGGEST Internet Scams of 2021
In this digital realm there are lots of scammers who will try to pick your digital pockets, so you need to learn to be street smart. Here are some BIG scams to watch out for, which I have either seen personally or have had close friends fall victim to.
Snowden’s FAVORITE privacy coin: Zcash
More and more people are waking up to why financial privacy is so important, and just how invasive the traditional banking system is.
Scrub your Metadata with THESE Tools
Did you know that when you share a photo online, you might be revealing the exact location of your home? Or that when you print a document, there are hidden dots on the page that reveal the exact printer the document came from?
The Most PRIVATE Search Engine (2021)
Search engines completely revolutionized how we access the web. If you want to find a website, you can type in keywords and search engines will show you a list of websites that match your criteria.
How to Live ENTIRELY on Crypto
Now that you’ve gotten into crypto, what do you DO with your crypto?
Many people are building their savings in cryptocurrencies that can’t be debased, in preparation for potential future economic upheaval.
Snowden Says Don’t Use WiFi : RESPONSE VIDEO!
Snowden once tweeted:
“I wouldn’t use WiFi at home, because global maps of every wireless access point’s unique ID—including yours—are free and constantly updated. I would use ethernet; yes, ethernet on a phone.”
Apple’s MASS SURVEILLANCE tool for iPhones
Apple plans to modify iPhones to constantly scan for contraband.
How to Earn Crypto on Social Media
Social media dominates our lives, and we willingly spend hours of our time engaging on these platforms FOR FREE. But what if we could actually make money doing this?
The MOST Private Messaging Apps
Seeing as we do a huge amount of our communicating via messaging services these days, it’s important to know what information we giving out, and to whom.
There are many messaging apps that bill themselves as being “private”, but which ones actually are?
The WORST messaging apps for PRIVACY
The ability to share short messages instantly to someone’s phone has transformed the way we communicate. There are countless options: Sms, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Signal... but how PRIVATE are these services?
Cryptocurrencies To Use Everyday
If you’re new to crypto it can be really confusing to try to understand what all these different cryptocurrencies do.
How to set up an ANONYMOUS iPhone & Apple Computer
Our lives and day-to-day activities have largely moved onto our digital devices.
Is Bitcoin a Good Inflation Hedge?
Brian Brooks is the former Acting Comptroller of the Currency, and current CEO of Binance.US, so he has a particularly insightful perspective that bridges the worlds of traditional finance and crypto.