NBTV Episodes
The MOST and LEAST Private Home Cameras
Adding a security system to your home might not be a bad idea. But what kind of security system? And are there any that are truly secure and privacy-preserving?
Your money has been WEAPONIZED
Last week Paypal, announced (and later backtracked) that it would impose a morality tax on its users, fining them for misinformation.
Privacy is Under Attack
Our digital lives are increasingly surveilled and censored. This means that freedom of expression and financial freedom are being stamped out.
Your Credit Card is Spying on You!
Many of us are finally waking up to how important privacy is, and yet we don't think twice when we swipe our credit card.
How to Set Up a Signal Proxy Server
The internet is often controlled and censored in times of civil unrest. Governments can block certain services, like access to websites or apps, or they can even shut off the internet entirely.